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Helping keep your community safe

Specializing in Forest Fire Fuel Management

Alpine Axeceleration Forestry Ltd. is an upstart company that aims to combine tried and tested methods in the forestry industry, with youthful innovation.


Our aim is to bring cost-effective techniques, with a smaller environmental footprint.


Our company brings together 15 years of experience in West Coast timber falling, combined with 20 years of experience with innovative European Fuel Management techniques.



Fuel Management

As seen over the last decade,  fires have ravished through our BC forests taking out homes and business along the way. Fuel management essentially is a thinning procedure of the forest. Leaving behind the largest trees in the area for future generations to enjoy.


Land clearing

With certified tree fallers on staff and adequate equipment we can can cater to any size of land that you need cleared. From falling and chipping to burning and stump removal.


Contract Falling

With certified tree fallers on staff, our team is always ready to help your team meet their harvesting deadlines


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